Robert Allen Monroe (October 30, 1915–March 17, 1995) was a New York radio broadcasting executive who became known for his research into altered consciousness. His 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term "out-of-body experience". Monroe achieved world-wide recognition as an explorer of human consciousness. His research, beginning in the 1950s, produced evidence that specific sound patterns have identifiable, beneficial effects on our capabilities. For example, certain combinations of frequencies appeared to enhance alertness; others to induce sleep; and still others to evoke expanded states of consciousness. Assisted by specialists in psychology, medicine, biochemistry, psychiatry, electrical engineering, physics, and education, Robert Monroe developed Hemi-Sync®, a patented audio technology that is claimed to facilitate enhanced performance. He is also notable as one of the founders of the Jefferson Cable Corporation, the first cable company to cover central Virginia. (From Wikipedia)
"Enjoy a totally refreshing nap in only 30 minutes. Verbal guidance and Hemi-Sync® provide you with a unique opportunity to obtain deeply restorative rest. Benefit from Catnapper's proven effectiveness during work or study breaks or to re-energize for the evening. Catnapper is also effective for countering the effects of jet lag, coping with irregular schedules or as the ultimate pick-me-up anytime. (Verbal; 30 min.). Mind Food Series".
"Monroe Product's binaural beat CDs can help you experience enhanced mental, physical, and emotional states. Robert Monroe's work inspired an entire industry of mind/brain products. After 50 years of research, and thousands of lab sessions, the internationally acclaimed patented Hemi-Sync® process remains unparalleled in its ability to assist us in harnessing our human potential. Thanks to the cooperation of notable medical institutions and universities, the scientifically and clinically proven Hemi-Sync® technology continues to be the focus of a variety of specialized research projects. In addition, many therapists, physicians, educators, and other professionals use Hemi-Sync® extensively. Such research is indispensable in revealing the influence of specific Hemi-Sync® sound patterns on consciousness. Over the years, these efforts have resulted in the development of scores of individual products for specific applications such as focused attention, stress management, meditation, sleep enhancement, and pain management, to name a few". (From Catnapper's liner notes)
Thanks to Joachim Koester for the gift.